Climate literacy for 3-7 year olds…

Teaching children about the impact of global warming could be a difficult subject. It has been said that it raises anxiety and is not good for children’s mental health, especially young children. However, as a school this has not been our experience. Of course concern and worry are normal healthy reactions to the topic, but we have found that giving children knowledge empowers them, it gives them hope, it makes them feel that they have a voice and can do something to help. It’s all in the talking and teaching!

We want our children to understand that they can make a difference to their own life’s and futures, to that of their family, their community, their country and the world in which they live.

We believe we have designed a transformative curriculum, of Climate Change
Education for young children, which includes global citizenship, environmental science and climate literacy. A curriculum that is embedded within the already existing provision within our school. We are very excited about wat we have achieved and are looking forward to sharing this with the world.




So, tomorrow I leave for Madrid to share our work with the world. I am both excited and aprehensive, but am ready for the challenge.

I am sure there will be lots of new experience that we can learn from as a school. But also I hope that someone can learn from the work we have done.

I believe in training teachers to effect change in schools. I believe in engaging them and developing their interest. This in turn impacts on children and communities. People can change, communities can develop and as one parent once reminded me – as a school we have a duty to lead the way. So this is what we do. We offer learning for children, parents and the community, and we work hard to effect change where we can. Lets hope that at COP25 officials find away to effect policitcs, economy and big business to do there part too…