Masia Dancing

On Thursday 13th February our Year 1 children met a lady from Kenya called Bemma. She spoke to the children about the Masai tribe, who struggle to find water for their crops and herd. They often gather together and do a rain dance to make it rain. The children learnt about how they call to the tribe and did a rain dance.

This is part of our learning about understanding the life of others and how climate changes have effected people around the world.

The children really enjoyed talk and learning from Bemma and it was nice to see people teaching the children something that we certainly couldn’t have done ourself.


Community Climate Meeting

It has been requested that we move our Climate Change Community meeting to the following week, so a number of people who were unable to attend, could do so.

We would love to see as many people as possible at the meeting – whether you already know lots or not, or do lots or not, we would love to see you. Therefore, on Monday 2nd March we will meet at Bolsover Infant and Nursery school at 6pm (Welbeck Road). Please invite everyone.

If you have ideas for the agenda please let me know.

Mumming about…

31st January 2020

This weeks ‘Mumming about’ session supported Mum’s and their children in learning about healthy eating and cooking with their children. The children made healthy food to try at home, and the parents learnt about involving their  child in the preperation of food to encourage them to try new things.

Normally we would supply parents with container to transport their food home. This time we asked our parents to bring in their own boxes. This meant we did not need to buy ant, but also that their was less paper and plastic going to waste.

Well done Mum’s!

Meat Free Meals

Meat Free Meals

This terms Climate change Challenge is to try to eat Meat free, as a family, for one day a week or more if possible.

We have seen some lovely meals on our Facebook page. Please keep sharing your meals, the healthier the better. It is often inspiring to see what others are cooking and children are eating.

The reason eating meat is related to climate change issues, is due to the fact that food production (esp meat) and its related transport emissions is reportedly responsible for a huge amount of the carbon dioxide which is causing global warming.
The best possible solution, it is reported, would be a vegan diet (no meat, no dairy). We are not suggesting that everyone avoid meat and dairy all together, but that if everyone avoided meat (and if possible dairy) for one full day a week, emissions would reduce proportionally.

Buying your meat locally on the other days is also a way of supporting this issue. Local meat would mean less transport emissions, support local business and hopefully support with the issues related to other climate problems – ie the loss of rainforests in Brazil as a result of cattle farming for beef destined for British plates.

We are hoping that on meat free days families also avoid eating fish as well. This will also support the over farming of the seas, as well other related climate change issues.

Community Climate Meeting

24th February 2020 – 6pm
Bolsover Infant and Nursery School

As you may have seen on Facebook, community members are asking for all of the Community ‘Climate Change’ Groups to come together so that the community can have a strategic response to the issues around Climate Change.
As the UK’s first Climate Change Hub, accredited by the United Nations, we have offered to host the event.
Everyone is welcome and we would like for people to invite anyone they may know, who would like to join us, or invite anyone who would be beneficial for the group to ask to attend. We hope that we can join together at this event and look at how the community of Bolsover can pool its resources to have a communal response to this global issue. We look forward to seeing you there.

Sharing our thoughts…

In December the children worked in small groups to share their climate knowledge. This allowed the adults to assess what we had learnt over the term. The children also kept a record of each group discussion to make our school calendar. This means 150 (the amount of calendars sold) families will each month share in our climate learning.