Song for Change…


Dear Parents’

Yesterday, as you know, we informed all parents of our intentions to join the #Fridaysforfuture stike action, with an UN-Strike day. Your response to this has been overwhelmingly positive and we really do appreciate this.
As part of this response a parent, was kind enough, to share with us their views on the matter. This has led us to a slight change in our plans as a response. The view was as such:

If all the kids are sat in class learning about Climate Change, they are not part of the immediate process for change …… it is also educational for pupils to learn, and appreciate, the right to peaceful protest ……. and why it’s so important in effecting change in a democratic society.

To this end, as a teaching staff, we have ponded this response and have made the decision to change our plans slightly. Tomorrow we will also take 10 minutes out of our day to offer, the children in key stage 1, an opportunity to take part in our ‘Song for change protest’. We will ask any child that wishes to join us (no child will be forced to, they will be asked to make an informed choice), after being taught about peaceful protest (at an age appropriate level) to raises their voices in song. Children will take part in our ‘Song for Change protest’ altogether, on the field, as a sign that they would like to see our leaders take action about Global warming.

Year 1 and 2 children will be sitting on the field for 10 minutes, sharing their learning from the day and singing our climate change song. If you do not wish your child to take part, please just let the teacher know.
(as educators we have made a decision to only do this with Year 1 and 2. We felt the children needed a certain amount of maturity, in order to make a chose as the whether they wanted to take part). As always, if you have any worries or concerns, please see Miss Cowan.

Published by

Fiona Cowan

Told from my perspective I hope it gives you a flavour of what our children experience at school and beyond.

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